AmigaOS3.5 (74/967)

From:Jonas Thorell
Date:2 May 2000 at 18:37:41
Subject:Re: OS 3.5 & PPC

Volker Marienfeldt wrote:

>>> Out of curiousity, what is the PPC support in OS 3.5? One feature
>>> has been touted from the first moment 3.5 was announced was that it has
>>>, where is it exactly?

>> With the inclusion of WarpOS.

>But it's a shot in the knee if you got a Blizzard. I'd like to use WOS, but
>only makes trouble on my System. So I wouldn't call 3.5 PPC supported.

Hm, don't know about that. I have a BlizzardPPC and WOS works just fine
with it. In fact, if it wasn't for my PPC I wouldn't have had OS 3.5
since I got it bundled with my card.

I know that there might be problems with WOS and Blizzards at times
but I have yet to see it.

>In a World without Walls and Fences,
>who needs Windows and Gates?

Wants some more MS about this:

"It's almost like we're doing Windows users a favor by charging them money
for something they could get for free, because they get confused
- Larry Wall


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